Work Package Organization 


WP1: Modelling and algorithms towards exascale
The goals are two-fold: i) develop programming models for exascale architectures; and ii) design and test scalable algorithms for outstanding linear algebra problems, including trace evaluation and linear solvers suitable for exascale architectures.
WP2: Machine learning approaches
Develop lean, efficient and fast ML approaches by embedding symmetries and other prior constraints into the learning model.
WP3: Quantum algorithms and tensor networks
Develop quantum algorithms and tensor networks methods i) for large-scale ML tasks, and ii ) at regimes where standard simulations on classical systems fail and apply them to the study of LGT and specifically QED.
WP4: Applications
Adapt and implement novel HPC algorithms and ML approaches to address challenges in LQCD, CFD and CBio applications and produce groundbreaking scientific results.
WP5: Training & Career Development
i) Ensure the timely delivery of AQTIVATE network-wide training events; ii) disseminate shared courses, relevant lectures and trainings at nodes; iii) monitor the needs of the ESRs; iv) obtain feedback from ESRs on the quality of the training; v) monitor the PCDP of each ESR in coordination with their SC; and vi) populate the CyI training platform with the network-wide training content.
WP6: Dissemination & Outreach
i) Disseminate the call internationally and to the appropriate channels attracting talented students; ii) ensure visibility of AQTIVATE and especially the ESRs’ project results, using channels targeting academia, industry, government, and the broader public.
WP7: Management & Coordination
To ensure the timely and effective delivery of all aspects of the project, including: i) communication with EC and partners; ii) monitoring of milestones and the timely submission of deliverables; iii) overall coordination of activities including the recruitment procedure of ESRs and their enrollment at DAIs; iv) management of financial aspects and risk mitigation; v) monitoring of opportunities to secure further funding for joint doctorates beyond the lifetime of the project, as well as calls for computational resources.
WP8: Ethics requirements
Ensure compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set out in this work package.