Why colours are not colours? By Gabriele Pierini I am working on Lattice Quantum ChromoDynamics (LQCD), but let’s skip the Lattice part for now and allow […]
AQTIVATE organized a workshop on machine learning from February 12th to March 1st at the Technical University of Berlin. The fellows actively participated in training sessions […]
AQTIVATE PhD fellow, Elisa Bellantoni, received the prize “Raffaele Tripiccione 2023” in memory of a great scientist, for the best master thesis in Physics at University […]
AQTIVATE is organized the following training workshops: The AQTIVATE 1-week training workshop on “Computational fluid dynamics”, will take place in Rome between 3 – 8 June […]
AQTIVATE organized its first 3-weeks training workshop on ”Exascale computing and scalable algorithms” in Stockholm between 27 November 2023 and 14 December 2023. The fellows had […]
The joint doctoral project “Advanced computing, QuanTum algorIthms and data-driVen Approaches for science, Technology and Engineering (AQTIVATE)” will deliver an interdisciplinary training program for fifteen fellows […]
Second call for five available PhD Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships for the academic year 2023-2024. Deadline has been extended to 9 June 2023. Please check the “Apply […]
Application deadline for the 15 PhD Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships for the academic year 2023-2024 has been extended to 28th of February 2023. Please check the “Apply […]